Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Flip-flops and funky feet

I'm not sure what the practice is in the rest of the US, but in the northeast there is a trend among women to wear flip-flops during their commute to work and then (ideally) change into shoes at the office. Not for anything, but this makes my stomach churn. I can't help but notice that the vast majority of these women have feet that look like they are caked with dirt. Each step reveals a charcoal gray sole. I know that some of these women have walked through the subways, stepped into the gutters, and God-only-knows where else, no doubt picking up feces and urine along the way. They've got the latest fashions, the hottest hair styles, and make-up worthy of a Covergirl model. Guys are probably drooling all over them and, wait--their feet are covered in muck. Now, that's sexy!

Researchers have taken swabs to toilet seats, the folding trays on airplanes, and other everyday items to look for e. coli, why not swab these feet? Ugh.

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