Yesterday, I received a very nice compliment from a colleague. I was told that I was "ridiculously amazing." I am a behind-the-scenes person in a behind-the-scenes job, so kudos don't come that often, but when they do, I feel a bit more energized the rest of the day.
It reminded me of an incident a few months ago at my local supermarket. There is this absolutely sweet woman who oversees the self-checkout lanes and is ready to assist with any problems you may enounter. She helped me bag my groceries and I thanked her, as I always do, when some old geezer chimed in, "Don't thank her. That's her job!" I glared at him and told the woman that I sincerely appreciated her help and I'm sorry that others are just miserable human beings. (He didn't chime in on that comment. Maybe the battery in the hearing aid died.)
I went home and wrote to the store manager to let them know what an asset she was to their company, that her customer service skills were unparalleled and that I wish more members of their staff were like her. That note was long overdue.
Here's the thing: There are many people out there, like me, who do their jobs -- giving 110% -- and go unrecognized for the work they do. It could be the person helping you bag your groceries, the person taking your appointment at the doctor's office or the person who cleans the bathrooms at your place of work. Take a moment or two to say thanks and tell them you appreciate the work they do. It will not only make that person feel good, but it may just put a spring in your step, too!
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